Weeds have a way of growing in places they shouldn't and one of their favourite spots to grow is between paving slabs. These little gaps create micro-climates where weeds can germinate and flourish! Removing weeds from a patio or driveway using a pressure washer might seem like a good idea, afterall, if you're cleaning the slabs anyway, why not use the powerful jets to eliminate the unwanted weeds? Well, there are a few problems that can occur when you try to remove weeds with a pressure washer and we're going to talk you through them today...

When the temperature rises, you may notice that your lawn start to look a little dry and droopy. That's because the lack of moisture is starting to damage the grass and plants that make up your lawn. To combat the effects of hot summer days, it's important that you start a good lawn watering routine. Many people reach out to us because they're trying to establish the best way to water their lawn. If this is something you've been pondering during these warm weeks, then you're in the right place. Today we're going to explain the best way to water your lawn to keep it looking green and luscious whatever the weather!
If you've been keeping up with the news recently, you'll know that coronavirus lockdown restrictions are finally starting to lift! As of the 29th of March, people across the UK have been able to meet in groups of 6 (from no more than two households) in gardens and other outdoor areas. This is great news for people who have been isolated from friends and family for the past year! More...

Spring is finally here, and it's exciting to think about all the different things we'll be able to do when lockdown restrictions start to ease. For most of us, seeing family or friends in our gardens is top of our post-lockdown activity lists, and with warmer weather on the way, it really will be a treat.
That being said, there are a lot of wild gardens that haven't been cared for during the lockdown. Ultimately, there have been more pressing matters on our minds than pulling up weeds, so it's completely understandable if your lawn needs some TLC. Today we're going to look at the important elements of spring lawn care to help you get your garden ready for old friends and new memories.

If you've got a leatherjacket infestation in your lawn, you might be looking for a quick and efficient way to get rid of them. Left untreated, leatherjackets will chew through your grassroots and cause large clumps of grass to die back. You can sometimes spot leatherjackets in your soil while digging up your borders to plant flowers, but the most common sign of leatherjackets is birds pecking at your lawn. If you think you might have leatherjackets, you should look at getting rid of them straight away!