When the temperature drops it can be a little less tempting to pop in the garden and enjoy nature. Nonetheless, there lots of different winter garden birds to be seen if you do fancy wrapping up warm and going out to look for them. In today's blog, we're going to explore some of the most common winter garden birds in the UK.

With winter well and truly upon us, may people may find themselves wondering if they can use the same lawn care routines and techniques they’ve been using throughout the year to keep their lawns healthy and strong over winter.
Some of the most common questions we see at this time of year include “can I still mow the lawn in the winter? Does my lawn need extra fertiliser? How often should I water my lawn in winter?” These are all common questions you yourself may be asking.
The winter season brings with it its own lawn care requirements that you’ll need to follow in order to sustain the healthy lawn you’ve cultivated throughout the year.

As we explained in our blog post about the different types of soil, clay soils are made up of very small particles that are prone to clumping together.
Clay soil has a number of benefits and drawbacks, so let's take a look at both the good and the bad, then we'll explain how you can improve the quality of the soil in your garden.

If you read our recent blog, what does grass need to live, you'll know that water, sunlight, soil and nutrients are vital for keeping your lawn alive. In the winter months, these things are not so abundant. Your grass has to adjust to fewer sunlight hours, freezing temperatures and less readily available nutrients. Safe to say, winter is just as challenging for your lawn as summer, so it's important you know your do's and don'ts of winter lawn care.

The COVID-19 situation is constantly evolving, and with four different governments making announcements on a near-daily basis, you can perhaps be forgiven if you've lost track of the current rules for your part of the UK.
A lot of people - including both lawn care professionals and the homeowners who require their services - don't seem to know whether lawn care companies are allowed to continue working right now. Let's take a look at the latest rules (as of 20th November 2020) and what they mean for your lawn.