Leatherjackets are the larvae of crane flies, often referred to as daddy-long-legs. In the late summer and early autumn, eggs laid by crane flies in the soil hatch and leatherjackets emerge, ready to start munching their way through your lawn.
Leatherjackets are more easily identified in the autumn months, and this is also the most efficient time to treat a leatherjacket infestation.
Due to their small size and colouring, leatherjackets can be hard to identify. If you’ve found your way to this blog, you’re probably wondering what leatherjackets look like. So, let’s get into it!

It’s fair to say that lawn fertilising is more commonly associated with the spring months than any other season. Spring is definitely a season when your lawn could use a little nutritional support since it's beginning to thaw after being dormant throughout winter, but it’s definitely not the only time of year your lawn can benefit from fertiliser.
If you’ve found your way to this blog, you’re probably looking for information as to whether or not you should be fertilising your lawn in autumn.