Leatherjackets - the larvae of crane flies - are a common garden pest here in the UK. If you've never witnessed the damage that these grubs can do to a lawn, well, here's a photo:


If you're not familiar with lawn care and the particular practices used by lawn care specialists, you might not have ever heard of lawn top dressing before and why it is used.
In this blog, we take a closer look at lawn top dressing, the benefits it brings and the best time of the year to do it!
Read on to find out more...

Lawns can flourish if you know how to treat them right and give them the time, care, and attention that they need.
A lush, thick lawn bursting with green blades of grass requires a balanced diet and careful planning. Grass can't stay healthy without a bit of work.
Understanding when and how to feed your lawn (and what nutrients it needs) is vital if you want to achieve the picturesque lawn that every homeowner dreams of. Not quite sure when to fertilise your lawn? Don't panic - Lawn & Weed Expert is here to help!
Scroll down to read our expert guide to lawn fertilisation.

Spring is finally here, and it's exciting to think about all the different things we'll be able to do when lockdown restrictions start to ease. For most of us, seeing family or friends in our gardens is top of our post-lockdown activity lists, and with warmer weather on the way, it really will be a treat.
That being said, there are a lot of wild gardens that haven't been cared for during the lockdown. Ultimately, there have been more pressing matters on our minds than pulling up weeds, so it's completely understandable if your lawn needs some TLC. Today we're going to look at the important elements of spring lawn care to help you get your garden ready for old friends and new memories.

The Lawn & Weed Expert team were in Bridgend last week. A customer of ours wanted to get rid of the empty flower bed at the edge of their garden, so we filled it in with soil and turf.