Spring is finally here, and it's exciting to think about all the different things we'll be able to do when lockdown restrictions start to ease. For most of us, seeing family or friends in our gardens is top of our post-lockdown activity lists, and with warmer weather on the way, it really will be a treat.
That being said, there are a lot of wild gardens that haven't been cared for during the lockdown. Ultimately, there have been more pressing matters on our minds than pulling up weeds, so it's completely understandable if your lawn needs some TLC. Today we're going to look at the important elements of spring lawn care to help you get your garden ready for old friends and new memories.
Assess the condition of your lawn
Before we jump right into the spring lawn care list, we want you to take a second to assess the current condition of your lawn. Winter can damage your lawn and leave it looking patchy and brown. If you're lucky, your lawn may have come through autumn/winter unscathed, but this very rarely happens...
Now is a good time to start treating moss and weeds in your lawn before they cause any lasting damage. Moss has a tendency to appear during the damp, warm conditions in early autumn, while weeds start to show through in late winter. Together, moss and weeds can spoil the healthy appearance of your lawn, so get them treated before you embark on the rest of your spring lawn care routines.
If you're unsure how to treat them without damaging your lawn, why not leave it to the experts? Here at Lawn and Weed Expert, we've been helping to rid lawns of moss and weeds for decades.
Moss Treatment > Weed Treatment >
Spring lawn care list
One key thing to remember when putting together your annual lawn care schedule is that spring is when your lawn enters its fastest growth period - so this is when the most work is required! Don't worry, we're going to break your spring lawn care list down into nice manageable chunks so you can get the healthy green lawn you've always dreamt of
1. Mowing
If you're already experiencing the nicer weather in your area, then you've probably noticed your lawn is already growing. This is a sign that it's time for the first cut! Ideally, your lawnmower needs to be set to the longest setting so that the grass is trimmed but not damaged. Cutting the lawn too short at this crucial time can cause additional problems because it leaves your lawn susceptible to diseases and pests.
As we progress through April, you'll need to trim your lawn more regularly, perhaps once a week. This regular trimming keeps the lawn a uniform length. If you accidentally trim too short, be aware that moss and weeds might develop. For this reason, it's important that you always check your cutting length before you mow the lawn.
2. Fertilising
Like all plants, your lawn will need feeding from time to time if you want it to grow thick and strong. During the fast-growing period, your lawn will use up a lot of the nutrients that are readily available in the soil, so you need to replace them. By promoting thicker, stronger growth, your lawn will have a better chance of competing with weeds or moss, so it's important that you don't skip this step.
Spring is the perfect time to provide a slow-release, long-acting lawn feed that will provide the developing grass shoots with lawn feed for weeks to come. Choosing the right lawn feed for your lawn isn't always easy, if you'd prefer, you can get in touch with the Lawn and Weed Expert team and we'll fertilise your lawn for you!
Lawn Fertilising Treatments >
3. Overseeding
It's common for your lawn to look a little bare after winter, most of the blades will die in the harsh, cold conditions Overseeding your lawn as we move into spring will help to eliminate sparse patches and give your lawn a thicker, fuller look. Better yet, overseeding will help to fill gaps that could otherwise be invaded by weeds and moss. A win, win situation!
READ MORE: What Does Overseeding Do?
If you're unsure what kind of seed would be best suited to your lawn, allow us to tackle one of the jobs on your spring lawn care list! We offer a professional overseeding service that will keep your lawn healthy throughout spring.
Overseeding Service >
If this spring lawn care list looks far too long for you to tackle on your own, we provide a comprehensive spring lawn care treatment that covers all the key aspects! We can even arrange repeat visits to help you keep your lawn fit and thriving all year long! Get in touch for your FREE lawn care survey now.
READ MORE: How to get your lawn ready for spring