Daisies are a native, perennial plant that can be found in most lawns across the UK. Many of us have great memories of plucking these off the school field and creating daisy chains, but as cute as they are, daisies are considered a weed by most gardeners.
Knowing when daisies bloom can help you be prepared for their emergence so you can deal with them quickly and efficiently! So, when do daisies bloom? More...

Grass is a living thing, and like any living thing, grass has certain needs that must be fulfilled if it's going to keep living.

When you're striving to achieve a perfect, mess-free lawn, the last thing you want to see are worm casts popping up all over the place. Today we take a closer look at what worm casts are, where they come from and how you can get rid of them. More...

The common dandelion (Taraxacum officinalis) is very pretty, and it has a number of uses in both cookery and herbal medicine. But if you want an immaculate, weed-free lawn, dandelions can also cause a lot of frustration - this plant is very unfussy about where it grows, and the long tap root makes it difficult to get rid of.
If you're looking for dandelion removal tips, see our blog on How to Rid Your Lawn of Dandelions. In today's post, we're going to focus on when dandelions tend to appear - hopefully, this knowledge will help you to be prepared for the next wave of dandelion growth in your garden! More...

Think about the wind as you're planting
Creating a wind-proof garden can be quite tricky if you're not well acquainted with the way the wind moves through your garden. Depending on the position of your house, your outbuildings and your fences, the wind will flow around your garden in a very specific way. Some areas might be caught in a kind of 'wind tunnel' while other areas might be much more still and calm. More...