Looking after your lawn is an all-year-round endeavour, and it can be difficult to know what you're supposed to be doing from one season to the next.

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused a lot of chaos and confusion, and while the current lockdown is necessary to save lives, it must be said that the government's social distancing guidelines have occasionally compounded that confusion.
Bored of your current job? Sometimes the grass really is greener on the other side!

If you're considering a career change, the team here at Lawn & Weed Expert can help you to break free of your dead-end job and start your own lawn care business!

Daisies can be quite pretty, can't they? Many people enjoy picking them to making daisy chains, and the thought of walking barefoot through a meadow of daisies on a sunny day is a rather appealing one.
The RHS website even advises gardeners to think twice and "decide if you really want to combat these plants". But pretty or not, the common English daisy (Bellis perennis) is still a weed, and if you've got daisies in your garden, they're competing with your lawn for essential moisture and nourishment.

Dandelions are a very common sight in British gardens, parks and fields. They are characterised by their bright yellow flowers, which eventually mature into 'dandelion clocks' - those fluffy seed heads that fly away when you blow on them.
The sunny yellow dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) might seem harmless enough, but it's still a weed, and a frustratingly resilient weed at that. If you have dandelions on your lawn, they may be robbing your grass of vital nutrients and moisture. So it's important to get rid of them in order to keep your lawn as healthy as possible.