When you're striving to achieve a perfect, mess-free lawn, the last thing you want to see are worm casts popping up all over the place. Today we take a closer look at what worm casts are, where they come from and how you can get rid of them. More...

Think about the wind as you're planting
Creating a wind-proof garden can be quite tricky if you're not well acquainted with the way the wind moves through your garden. Depending on the position of your house, your outbuildings and your fences, the wind will flow around your garden in a very specific way. Some areas might be caught in a kind of 'wind tunnel' while other areas might be much more still and calm. More...

As lawn care experts, we know that aeration plays a crucial role in keeping lawns oxygenated and preventing waterlogging. There are two main types of aeration that you can use to keep your lawn looking healthy. More...

Spring is quickly approaching which means garden weeds will be back with a vengeance. One of the main problems with garden weeds is that they have a tendency to crop up all over the place! Understanding how weeds spread can help you keep your garden as weed-free as possible in 2021. More...

Seeing birds in your garden is a sign that you're doing things right! Birds are important creatures that contribute to a healthy garden & they're attracted to diverse and healthy gardens. The key to a flourishing garden is to make sure that every plant and organism in it is fully supported within the eco-system. When the balance of wildlife in your garden shifts you can end up with infestations amongst other problems. That's why it's important to entice birds into your garden all year round.