Lawn grubs that you find in your lawn are baby insects – also known as larvae. Lawn grubs cause problems because they burrow through your soil eating your precious grassroots and destroying your garden as they go.
The most common time to find lawn grubs in your garden is during the summer months. The adult insects emerge at the start of summer to mate and then deposit their eggs back into the soil. Their eggs take a couple of weeks to hatch and once they do, they start feeding… on your lawn!
There are two types of common lawn grubs that you might come across in your garden; chafer grubs and leatherjackets. Here at Lawn & Weed Expert, we can help you eradicate both types of lawn grub and prevent damage. But first, let us tell you a bit about them.
Chafer Grubs

Lawn grubs in your garden
If you’re unfortunate enough to have an infestation of chafer grubs in your garden, it can be truly devastating for your lawn and other garden plants. It can be quite difficult to detect lawn grubs because they live and feed underground and barely come to the surface. More...
For those of you trying to maintain a beautiful lawn and garden, garden weeds are a huge problem that can be difficult to get rid of. There are hundreds of different kinds of weeds that can crop up in your garden, from grassy weeds that grow within your lawn, to broadleaf weeds and vines. We have all kinds of weeds that are commonly found across the UK. But which weeds are the most common in our UK gardens?

Dandelion (Taraxacum)
Dandelions are a common type of weed that pop up in lawns and fields nationwide. They have distinctive yellow flowers which dry out in the summer months to form the iconic spherical seed heads we associate with dandelions. These seeds are dispersed by the wind and travel to nearby lawns and fields, which is why they are one of the most common weeds in our gardens across the UK! You are likely to see dandelions appearing in your garden between March and November. More...