Keeping your garden free of weeds can seem like a constant battle. We’ve made this guide to help you correctly identify some of the unwanted plants you might find in your garden. Once you know what weeds you’re fighting, you can use the right methods to get rid of them.

Creeping Cinquefoil (Potentilla reptans) by Phil Sellens is licensed under CC BY 2.0

You might be surprised to learn that a lot of garden weeds are actually edible! That's right, contrary to popular belief, most garden weeds aren't poisonous and can actually be used to make a variety of tasty dishes. Curious to find out which common weeds are edible? Just keep reading...

Weeds can conquer a lawn very rapidly. It doesn't take years and years of neglect for weeds to get a foot in the door; even very house-proud people who take excellent care of their lawns will occasionally find unwanted plants growing amid the grass.
If you haven't been keeping on top of your weeds - to the point where your lawn is now more weed than grass - then restoring your overrun garden to its former glory may seem like a hopeless task. But it is possible to fix a lawn that's mostly weeds and take steps to ensure that it won't happen again.
A couple of weeks ago, we received an email from a customer in Swansea named Mr M. He was concerned about a weed that was threatening to take over his lawn - here's the photo he sent us:

Mr M had noticed this weed before, but this year, it was appearing in far more spots - and in far greater quantities. The weed network had substantial roots that were proving difficult to pull out, and worryingly, weed control treatments didn't seem to be helping.
So Mr M contacted Lawn & Weed Expert with two questions: what was this stubborn weed, and was there anything we could do about it?

Daisies are a native, perennial plant that can be found in most lawns across the UK. Many of us have great memories of plucking these off the school field and creating daisy chains, but as cute as they are, daisies are considered a weed by most gardeners.
Knowing when daisies bloom can help you be prepared for their emergence so you can deal with them quickly and efficiently! So, when do daisies bloom? More...