The unfortunate truth is that no matter how much TLC you give your lawn, when the winter months roll around it just won’t look as good as it looks in other seasons. Winter is cold, damp, and shady, and these conditions aren’t conducive to good lawn health.
One of the most common sights you see in your garden during the winter months is your lawn turning brown. If you’ve found your way to this blog, you’re likely wondering what causes this brownness. If that’s the case, keep reading on to find out!
What causes brown grass in winter?
To put it simply, grass begins to turn brown when it is no longer absorbing nutrients from the soil. There are a few things that can cause this, such as drought, flooding, too much watering, extreme heat, extreme cold, or poor soil quality.
To survive, a lawn needs water, sunlight, good quality soil, and nutrients. If your lawn is lacking in any of these, it can result in brownness. Brown grass in the winter can be a sign that the lawn is missing one of these 4 essential things it needs to survive. If any of the above four necessities are lacking in the environment, the grass can turn from green to brown, which indicates that it is starting to die.
However, even though brownness in your lawn during winter can be a sign of dying grass, brown grass isn’t always a warning sign – grass can go brown in its dormancy phase, which is a part of its natural life cycle.
Distinguishing a lawn that’s in its dormant phase from a lawn that needs immediate attention because of dying grass can be difficult to the untrained eye.
If your lawn is losing its healthy green colouring and you’re not sure if you need to take action, why not take advantage of the FREE lawn surveys offered by Lawn & Weed Expert? One of our expert team members will cast their professional eye over your lawn and let you know which of our services will best benefit you, and give you a no-obligation quote.
Free Lawn Survey
Can brown grass go green again?
If your lawn is brown, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s dead and unsalvageable. Our lawn care experts can help revive your lawn, and help defend it against the winter issues that make it go brown.
Because of the seasonal challenges that arise in the winter, your lawn requires special care during this time of year. If you’re interested in finding out more about what our winter lawn treatments entail (along with some professional winter lawn care advice), head on over to our website!
Winter Lawn Care
Read More: How Does Grass Survive Winter?