Your Lawn Maintenance Schedule
The best way to keep your lawn looking gorgeous all year round is to follow a lawn care schedule. We created this lawn maintenance schedule with help from our specialist lawn care team. Feel free to share it with your friends or print it off and stick it on your fridge!
Spring – February to May
Mow your grass periodically throughout spring to stop it growing wild!
Plant more seeds than usual to improve the thickness of your lawn.
Add soul mixes to the surface of your lawn to improve soil quality.
Puncture the soil to alleviate drainage issues, reduce compaction & improve filtration of nutrients.
Pests are most prevalent this time of year, avoid infestation by eradicating them early.
Remove moss and thatch from your lawn.
Apply herbicides to prevent your weeds from growing.
Need some assistance with your spring lawn care? Contact us now!
Summer – May to August
Mow your lawn throughout summer, it will still be growing rapidly!
If summer is particularly hot, keep your lawn hydrated with a good amount of water twice per week.
Ants often build their nests in summer. Sweep them away or pour hot soapy water over the area.
Is your lawn not looking as healthy as it should this summer? We can help.
Autumn – August to November
Mow your grass in Autumn, it may be the last proper dry spell until spring!
Plant more seeds than usual to improve the thickness of your lawn.
We often experience rain in autumn, aerate your lawn to ventilate it and stop compaction.
Moss thrives in damp conditions, be sure to treat & remove it before it spreads.
Diseases also thrive in damp (sometimes warm) autumn months. Check for fungus or unusual dry/yellow patches. Speak to a professional to treat your grass diseases properly.
Contact us if you need any help keeping your lawn healthy this Autumn!
Winter – November to February
As the leaves fall from the trees, they can smother your lawn. Use a rake to clear them away.
Puncture the soil if you notice there is water is building upon the surface of your lawn.
Use a specially formulated winter lawn feed to keep your lawn healthy in the harsh conditions.
If your lawn is suffering this winter, speak to our specialists!
For more lawn care advice and information on lawn maintenance, click here:
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