Isn't autumn wonderful? The crisp air, the colourful foliage, the pumpkin spice lattes...everything is just a little bit more magical at this time of year.
Still, for all its charm, autumn can also bring challenges. As the temperature drops and the nights draw in, the grass in your garden may need a bit of extra looking-after in order to continue flourishing.
If you want to keep your lawn healthy through the colder months, it's important to be proactive. To help you forge a plan of action, here are ten autumn lawn care tips from the team here at Lawn & Weed Expert:
1. Scarify your lawn to remove moss and thatch.
Scarification involves pulling up dead moss and thatch to make sure these don't stifle your lawn's growth. Early autumn is a good time to scarify your lawn - see When to Scarify Your Lawn for more information.
2. Trim back the edges of your lawn.
Summer is a time of rapid grass growth, so the edges of your lawn may be a little overgrown by the time autumn arrives Get the edging shears out now and tidy up those borders to make sure your lawn looks immaculate.
3. Feed your lawn.
A fresh helping of lawn feed will help to ensure that your grass stays healthy as winter draws closer. Our autumn lawn feed service is ideal for this time of year, and it includes an application of broad-spectrum herbicide to ward off weeds.
4. Spike your soil to improve aeration and drainage.
It's important to aerate your lawn occasionally (once every 2 to 3 years). Spiking holes in the soil makes it easier for air and water to reach the roots of your grass, and in the event of heavy rain, a well-aerated lawn is less susceptible to flooding.
5. Use top dressing to improve the quality of your soil.
Top dressing is a tactic that can gradually change the nature of your top soil over time. The right top dressing mixture will create more favourable growing conditions for your grass - visit our Top Dressing page for further details.
6. Consider overseeding your lawn.
It's important to add more grass seed to your lawn every so often in order to keep it growing thick and healthy. This is called overseeding and we recommend doing it in early autumn, before the weather gets too cold for your new seeds to germinate.
7. Keep the lawn free of leaves.
We all enjoy scrunching through a pile of fallen leaves, but as we explained in our previous blog post, you shouldn't allow those dead leaves to cover up your lawn. Use a rake to keep your lawn leaf-free.
8. Stay off the grass on frosty mornings.
Grass becomes more fragile when it freezes. If the weather gets cold enough to turn your lawn frosty, do not walk on the grass as this can cause lasting damage. If you'd like to learn more, read our guide to Protecting Your Lawn from Frost Damage.
9. Watch out for weeds.
Keeping your lawn free of weeds is a year-round endeavour. Our professional weed control service can help to protect your garden from common autumn weeds.
10. Keep an eye out for common lawn diseases.
Unfortunately, autumn weather can be conducive to a variety of lawn diseases, including red thread. Read our guide to Autumn Lawn Diseases and look out for discolouration and other symptoms.
Caring for your lawn in autumn can be a bit of a handful - if you're on the look out for top-quality autumn lawn care services, Lawn and Weed Expert has you covered! Our autumn lawn treatment gives your lawn the best quality seasonal care possible, to keep your lawn growing strong and healthy.
Autumn Lawn Treatment
Bear in mind that every lawn is different - if you'd like a specialist to survey your garden and provide a treatment plan that's tailored to your lawn's unique requirements, please contact Lawn & Weed Expert today.
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