Has your garden gotten a little out of hand? Perhaps you've been away on holiday for a few months, suffered an injury that's kept you indoors, or you're sorting out the home of a relative who's passed away? Whatever the reason, if you can no longer see the wood for the trees, it may be time to consider a complete garden clearance. More...

If you own horses or are involved in the day-to-day running of a paddock, you’re probably aware of the dangers of ragwort. If not, it’s about time you became aware – it can be fatal!
Did you know that all products used to protect plants in your garden must be authorised by the Chemicals Regulations Directorate? It’s true!
Each product must go through a strict testing process prior to hitting the shelves, ensuring that all pesticides, fungicides and herbicides are safe and won’t cause damage to the environment.
This applies to all plant protection products (PPPs), including those used to control weeds; however, it’s not the only bit of red tape to be found when it comes to weed control.
There are also a variety of laws and legislations when it comes to the actual use of pesticides and weed killers too – particularly when it comes to professional weed services.
To keep you in the know and out of trouble, here’s the ins and outs of the whacky world of weed control.

For those of you trying to maintain a beautiful lawn and garden, garden weeds are a huge problem that can be difficult to get rid of. There are hundreds of different kinds of weeds that can crop up in your garden, from grassy weeds that grow within your lawn, to broadleaf weeds and vines. We have all kinds of weeds that are commonly found across the UK. But which weeds are the most common in our UK gardens?

Dandelion (Taraxacum)
Dandelions are a common type of weed that pop up in lawns and fields nationwide. They have distinctive yellow flowers which dry out in the summer months to form the iconic spherical seed heads we associate with dandelions. These seeds are dispersed by the wind and travel to nearby lawns and fields, which is why they are one of the most common weeds in our gardens across the UK! You are likely to see dandelions appearing in your garden between March and November. More...