There is no shortage of different weeds native to the UK. With summer almost here, we’re already starting to see the tell-tale buds of weeds getting ready to blossom and grow. Of the many variants of weeds found in the UK, a large number of them are flowering weeds.
These are a few of the most commonly found flowering weeds you might expect to see in a UK outdoor space - check out our handy guide to identifying common flowering weeds in the UK!
Weeds with White Flowers:
These are some of the common weeds with white flowers you can find in the UK:

Daisy ~ Bellis Perennis

Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies around the world, and it’s easy to see why. The cultivation and maintenance of a garden is one of the simplest pleasures in life, and being able to enjoy the fruits of your labour (literally) with a vegetable patch is an added bonus to the enjoyment of gardening.
Unfortunately, where there’s a garden there’s weeds, and the same can be said for vegetable patches. Weeds can be particularly difficult to manage in vegetable patches because you need to also be cautious of the vegetables when treating the weeds.
If you’re struggling with weeds in your vegetable patch, we’ve got some advice to help you prevent, manage, and remove weeds.

Clover, the common name for over 300 members of the legume family, are small flowering plants with a very distinctive three-leaf shape (four if you're lucky!). Though often associated with good luck, there are several reasons why you might not want this little guy growing in your garden.
Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies in the world; if you're someone who's particularly house-proud, or in this case garden-proud, you might want a clover-free lawn purely for aesthetic purposes. Clover has a very distinctive shape and sticks out like a sore thumb, and can very easily upset the balance of your lawn.

Gardening requires a lot of time and patience, and it can take months to be rewarded for your blood, sweat, and tears. Although at times it can be gruelling work, there’s no greater reward than finally seeing the fruit of your labour blossom and bloom as you stand back to admire the carefully-cultivated beauty of your garden.
But then of course, in comes every gardener’s worst nightmare: weeds. If left untreated, weeds can do untold damage to a garden, quickly overrunning the flower beds and invading everywhere they can reach. There’s a lot of information out there on how to remove weeds, but have you ever taken a moment to ponder WHY those weeds are growing in your garden?

Wondering whether it's possible to prevent weeds from growing in the first place? You're not the only one. We have gardeners contacting us all the time asking whether it's possible to put preventative measures in place early to lessen the workload later down the line.
You'll be pleased to know that the answer is yes! It is possible to prevent weeds from growing before they start, you just need to have a plan of action and execute it at the right time of year. We'll walk you through a lawn weed prevention plan so that you can start preventing weeds from growing in your own garden.