Photo from Pexels
Bonfire Night (5th November) is fast approaching, and with large gatherings still prohibited due to COVID-19, you may be wondering whether you're allowed to build a bonfire in your back garden in lieu of attending a public Guy Fawkes celebration.

It's nice to have an outdoor space to call your own. Even a relatively small garden can be a source of much pride and enjoyment!
Have you ever seen a gorgeous pattern on a lawn or pitch and wondered just how people manage to create them? Yeah, us too! Seeing a person's lawn with beautifully cut stripes is enough to make the whole street filled with envy, but you don't have to wonder anymore and it's pretty easy to do. Here is Lawn & Weed Expert's guide to getting stripes in your lawn.

The stripes that you see on lawns are simply a result of light reflecting off the grass blades in a particular direction. One row of grass will be facing away from you whilst the other is facing towards you in a lush, uniform fashion that makes your lawn fabulously stand out.

There are definitely some places where moss makes a charming floor covering (for example in woodland areas), but in your garden lawn is definitely not one of them. Untreated moss can quickly turn into dense mats, killing the grass underneath it. That's why it's so important that you treat moss in your lawn as early as possible.

Each year, technology finds its way into a new area of our lives. One minute you’re washing dishes, the next a dishwasher is doing it for you. Once upon a time, all your meetings took place face to face, now they take place through a laptop. Everywhere you look you can see a pattern emerging – technology makes things easier!
It, therefore, comes as no surprise that gardening equipment is becoming smarter and more convenient too. There’s a huge range of robot lawn mowers emerging on the market. These nifty little helpers can keep your grass looking neat and tidy all year round.