If you've had a tree cut down on your property, maybe because it was ruining the picturesque view from the living room window or maybe it was a little too close to the driveway, chances are that you have now been left with a stump in its place.
For sure this may have removed one problem that you had but it now presents another, what do you do with the stump? Well, if you're stuck scratching your head at what you can possibly do with a tree stump on your lawn, we're here to help!
Read on to find out some creative ways that you can make use out of your tree stump.


When the temperature drops it can be a little less tempting to pop in the garden and enjoy nature. Nonetheless, there lots of different winter garden birds to be seen if you do fancy wrapping up warm and going out to look for them. In today's blog, we're going to explore some of the most common winter garden birds in the UK.

As we explained in our blog post about the different types of soil, clay soils are made up of very small particles that are prone to clumping together.
Clay soil has a number of benefits and drawbacks, so let's take a look at both the good and the bad, then we'll explain how you can improve the quality of the soil in your garden.
Sandy soil is made up of large soil particles that don't stick together very well. It has a gritty texture, and is especially common in coastal regions.

Image source: Wikimedia Commons
As with all types of soil, sandy soil has both its benefits and its drawbacks. Let's start with the positive stuff...
Did you know that since the turn of the century, the number of hedgehogs in the UK has fallen by nearly 50 per cent!? A 2018 report found that the population of hedgehogs in England, Wales and Scotland is now at one million, in comparison to three million in the 1950s. That is a drastic fall in such a short amount of time but it's not too late to start making a difference.
There are a number of things that you can (and can't do) in order to make your garden a safe haven for hedgehogs where they can come, relax and hopefully reproduce in safety to get the numbers back on the up!
Here we will outline some of these things you can do to create a hedgehog-friendly space and help the cute, spiky creatures around your neighbourhood.
