There aren’t many things as pleasing to a gardener’s eye than a beautifully balanced, level lawn that’s light, bright and lusciously green.
However, even a beautifully maintained lawn can become uneven over time. Sadly, unless you plan on switching to wooden decking or patio paving, that’s one thing you’ll have to get used to.
Bumpy lawns can be a real eye-sore for any garden, while also posing a potential risk to young children or elderly family.
Level the playing field and flatten your earthy opposition with these top tips for fixing a bumpy lawn.


If you’re wondering how you can give your lawn a well-needed makeover, why not follow our lawn makeover plan! As experts in the lawn care industry, we can talk you through the steps you need to take to restore your lawn to its glory days. More...

For animal lovers, pets aren't just an interesting addition to the home, they can often become a cherished part of the family. As such, taking care of your pet can be just as important as looking after a loved one.
If you're a pet owner, it's important to know the dos and don'ts of animal care. From a gardening perspective, this includes knowing which plants are safe for pets and what ones pose a danger.
Luckily, our team and Lawn & Weed Expert are here to help. We've created a handy list to help you differentiate between the cat's meow and the dog's b...uh, the dog's bark, in our blog on plants that are safe for pets.

We all love our pets, but they can make it difficult to keep the garden lawn in tip-top condition. If you have a dog or a cat, you may well be familiar with the unsightly patches of brown grass that sometimes ensue when your pet urinates on the lawn.
What you may not know is why pet urine damages lawns. More...
Lawn grubs that you find in your lawn are baby insects – also known as larvae. Lawn grubs cause problems because they burrow through your soil eating your precious grassroots and destroying your garden as they go.
The most common time to find lawn grubs in your garden is during the summer months. The adult insects emerge at the start of summer to mate and then deposit their eggs back into the soil. Their eggs take a couple of weeks to hatch and once they do, they start feeding… on your lawn!
There are two types of common lawn grubs that you might come across in your garden; chafer grubs and leatherjackets. Here at Lawn & Weed Expert, we can help you eradicate both types of lawn grub and prevent damage. But first, let us tell you a bit about them.
Chafer Grubs

Lawn grubs in your garden
If you’re unfortunate enough to have an infestation of chafer grubs in your garden, it can be truly devastating for your lawn and other garden plants. It can be quite difficult to detect lawn grubs because they live and feed underground and barely come to the surface. More...