Autumn is a beautiful time of year, with nature becoming a radiant explosion of stunning reds and golds. As beautiful as autumn can be, its also a sign that most plant life is dying down and preparing for winter dormancy.
As November rolls around, the temperatures continue to drop, and this is really the last month of the season where your garden requires any active care before your lawn goes fully dormant over the winter months.
During this transitional period it can be hard to know exactly what kind of care your garden needs, so we’ve put together this handy guide to help you identify what lawn treatments can help improve your lawn health this autumn.

Is your garden not looking its best? Does it appear more damaged at certain times of the year? Are there strange things growing in your lawn?
Read our handy guide on common lawn problems and how to fix them, to help you identify the issue and get rid of it.

Using weed killer at different times of year will impact how effective it is, so knowing the best time to kill weeds can save you a lot of time an effort. You also want to make sure that you’re only killing the weeds, and not the surrounding grass and plants when you apply it.
Read our handy guide to find out the best time to apply weed killer.

If you're wondering why your grass isn't looking as green or hasn’t been growing as well recently, you might have lawn thatch. This can be a big problem if left untreated. Fortunately, there are things you can do to remove it and get your grass back to optimal health. Keep reading to find out more about lawn thatch and how to get rid of it.

Properly maintaining your lawn will help prevent many of the common types of lawn disease. So, we’ve created a guide to help you out.