Achieving the perfect lawn takes time, effort, and a little patience. With such a wide variety of different lawn treatments available, it can be tempting to look for one treatment that does everything you need in one application.
To that end, we are sometimes faced with questions from clients asking does lawn fertiliser kill weeds? Can lawn fertiliser remove the weeds from my lawn? Can you save time on your lawn treatment by doing this?
If you’ve ever found yourself asking any of these questions and are looking for some answers, you’re in the right place! So, can fertiliser remove lawn weeds?

So, you've spent a lot of time and energy growing the perfect lawn so your back garden can look like something out of a magazine, great. But it's now been a while since you last cut it and it's beginning to look like something out of Jungle Book and is desperate for a cut. The only question is, how short do you cut it?
Having gone through so much effort caring for your lawn to get it just right, the last thing you want to do is destroy all of that hard work by cutting it too short and causing more harm than good, right? Right.
So, in this blog, we look to offer a helping hand by giving you the information that you need to keep your lawn looking just the way you want by cutting it to the length required.

As with most things in life, proper lawn care requires a lot of time, attention and knowledge. Everyone hopes for their lawn to grow strong and healthy but sometimes, making small mistakes can deliver negative results.
One of which involves the amount of grass seed used to grow your lawn. Whether you're growing from scratch or looking to fix unhealthy patches, knowing how much grass seed to use can be the difference between a lush, green lawn and an unhealthy one.
So, can you put down too much grass seed? What happens if you do? How much grass seed do you need for your lawn?
In this blog, we answer all of these questions to make your lawn growing issues a thing of the past!

When it comes to lawn care and growing grass, there are many things that you need to consider to be able to achieve the perfect lush, green lawn that everyone dreams of. One of which is what type of soil is best for grass, and more specifically, your grass.
In this blog, we take a closer look at this question, delving into the different types of soil that your garden may have and which is most suited to growing grass and achieving a strong, healthy lawn.
So, let's find out...

If you're a homeowner with a lawn, you'll know first-hand how much care, attention and effort is needed to keep it looking good. Plenty of planning and preparation is needed to achieve that perfect piece of lush green grass that puts the icing on top of the cake that is your home.
But where did lawns come from and why are they the epitome of every dream home? In this blog, Lawn & Weed Expert takes you through a brief history of lawns to find out exactly where it all started.
So, without further ado, let's get into it...