During the winter months, your lawn is at its most vulnerable to moss. The winter weather and lack of sunlight creates damp and shady conditions; this weakens your grass, and also happens to be prime moss growing conditions.
If you suspect that you have a moss infestation on your lawn, it is best to act sooner rather than later. Moss can grow and spread very easily, particularly if your grass is weak.

Moss can affect any lawn in any season, particularly if the conditions are damp and shady. While moss can be a problem any time of year, it becomes more prevalent in the winter months, when the weather conditions are prime for moss to flourish.
Although moss isn’t as unsightly as some common weeds, if left untreated, moss can dramatically impact the health of your lawn. Moss competes with your grass for growing space and can spread, leaving your grass with less and less space until it is completely suffocated. The moss physically smothers the grass roots, making it difficult for the grass to take in any sunlight or essential nutrients.
While moss isn’t always 100% preventable, there are steps you can take to strengthen your lawn and make it a less appealing environment for moss, reducing the chances of moss growing on your lawn.