Like any living thing, the grass on your lawn needs food. But grass is a plant, and plants make their own food via photosynthesis.
So, why and how should you feed your lawn? Read on to find out.

It's nice to have an outdoor space to call your own. Even a relatively small garden can be a source of much pride and enjoyment!

Like all plants, the grass on your lawn needs sunlight for it to thrive, so shade can pose a real problem. Shaded grass can quickly weaken and struggle to survive, and may even die back completely. That's why we've put together these tips for the best shaded lawn care.

If you want to add a touch of sparkle to your garden, why not consider adding some creative lawn edging? Don't let that extra space around the perimeter of your garden go to waste, there are so many different ways you can utilise it and get creative. We've come up with a selection of lawn edging ideas to spark your imagination. More...

Even if you have a relatively small garden, it's still important to keep your lawn in tip-top condition. Maybe even more important; after all, the smaller the space, the less room there is to hide imperfections!
An unkempt lawn can be very obvious in a modestly-sized garden - that's the bad news. The good news is that a confined space also means a smaller surface area to cover, making lawn maintenance considerably easier.
Better still, there are a few insider hacks for looking after a small lawn, making matters even simpler! Read on to discover our top 5 lawn care tips for a small garden.