Like any living thing, the grass on your lawn needs food. But grass is a plant, and plants make their own food via photosynthesis.
So, why and how should you feed your lawn? Read on to find out.

‘Lawn food’ and ‘lawn fertiliser’ are two terms that are often used synonymously, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are the same thing.
To be able to answer the question ‘are lawn food and lawn fertiliser the same thing?’, we need to get a more accurate understanding of what they actually are and what defines them.
So, without further ado, let’s get into it!

Summer is officially underway - with any luck, the next few months will bring lots of barbecues, ball games, and beers in the back garden.
But while summer is lots of fun for humans, this season can be tough on grass. Lawns have a tendency to dry out in summer, which can be frustrating if you're someone who takes a lot of pride in your home's beautiful green lawn.

You might have noticed a gradual change over the last week or so. It's taking longer to get dark in the evenings. The first few flowers are beginning to tentatively poke their heads out of the soil. Could it be that spring is in the air?

Lawn feeds contain a number of essential nutrients that keep grass green and healthy. The most important of these are nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K).