Lawn rolling is a practice almost as old as the very concept of a lawn itself.
Cultivation of outdoor spaces may have started as early as the 16th century, but it wasn't until the 17th century that we would begin to see lawns as we know them today, with closely shorn grass. In those days, lawns belonged only to wealthy land owners, for whom the lawn was a mark of wealth and status; only the rich could afford to hire help to cut and weed the grass. Bear in mind this was in the days before lawn mowers, so everything would've been done with manual tools such as scythes and lawn rollers.
Over time, as lawn games such as bowls, cricket, and golf increased in popularity, so did the trend of lawn maintenance. Lawn rollers are the perfect example of 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it': a classic, old-fashioned design that's still used today on cricket fields and golf courses to keep the surface flat and firm.